It is time for random HC. It has been nearly 3 weeks since I've done random HC because I've been playing Minecraft. There has come 4.0.6 patch since my last login, so I am nto ready to queue before 15:35 realm time. There are many guild members online, so I invite them to random HC with me. My group has 4 of 5 from my guild. We have me, Mishie, as a restoration shaman, Krynderi as a dual-wielding frost Death Knight, Reignfire as a fire mage and Superjanne (he is awes0me!)as a retribution paladin. So obviously, we didn't get a tank to join us. It is 15:35 when Krynderi puts us on queue, and it takes good ten minutes before we have the tank. Everybody clicks /join and we zone to... freaking Deadmines... just... wow. Anyway, fast check of equipment and buffs and we begin the instance. The tank, blood death knight Bueno, has whopping 180k health.
First group goes down without much of effort as a healer, since the tank is keeping himself topped with his self-heals. Earth Shield and Riptide are only needed heals before the tanks tells that he is pulling whole corridor at once. Reignfire jumps into a turret and bangs a decent 50k+ DPS with his Defias Cannon. Only the bodyguards left before we pull Glubtok. The first boss is not impressing us with his Fists of Fire and Frost, but after he charges the room and spawns a rotating fire lane, our loved Frost Death Knight falls to victim of lazyness and burns to death. However, that doesn't save the boss from our wrath, the room becomes his shallow grave. We loot his ashes for Buzzer's Blade, which we disenchant to a magical shard.
Nothing interesting happens during the trash between Glubtok and Helix. We pull Helix, defeat him and loot Cloak of Thredd. On the trash between Helix and Foe Reaper 5k Reignfire manages to get killed. Not that it would bring the whole instance run down. Quick ressurrection spell and the journey continues. Foe Reaper 5000 is sooo mundane encounter that I won't even descripe the fight. We loot Buzz's Saw, which gets disenchanced.
More trash, Admiral Ripsnarl and his Lavishly Jeweled Ring, Captain Cookie and Thief's Blade. Captain Cookie is a nice encounter in my opinion; alot of spell haste so you can keep spamming buttons as you wish. We read the pamflet and Vanessa shows in, bitches and drugs us. Nightmare after nightmare, we make our way, nobody dying. Even the group killer rotating-electicity-lanes are dodged without anybody taking damage.
Finally Ripsnarl's nightmare, some heal spamming and Vanessa. The daugher of Edwin has set up bombs on the ship, summons adds constantly and bounces between players, leaving a DoT which is overhealed by Healing stream totem. She informs us that we will die in blaze, so she spawns some ropes for no apparent reason. We use the ropes to hail us away from explosion for two times, and as the third and final explosion is about to be set, the boss just blows up, killing Reignfire the Fire Mage and Superjanne the Paladin. My record kill got improved by 20 seconds. We loot two Heavenly Shards from her.
torstai 24. helmikuuta 2011
keskiviikko 9. helmikuuta 2011
Other games - Minecraft
Minecraft, anybody? It is an indie game made by a Swedish guy. The idea in the game is to collect blocks, craft tools from blocks and then collect more blocks. When you have alot of blocks you can build a small house, a huge castle, a floating island... just name it. Why I am telling you about this game? I bought it and I've been playing it alot recently. I haven't even done my daily HCs. That addicting Minecraft is!
So what we have build so far? What have I done with all the possibilities the game and it's addons have? Well, for first, I had to learn to build a safehouse. During night-cycle there spawn different types of mobs, all hostile and dangerous, which I would like to keep away from me and my buildings. Safehouse is the best option if asked from me. The most basic safehouse is a hole on the ground with it's opening covered so that nobody can get in or out. However, that is the most boring solution as well. I've turned my safehouses to bases with several buildings connected to each other, a single huge building with enough space and light to farm wheat, meat, cactii, reeds and wool, deep enough to mine iron, coal, diamonds and gold, tall enough to watch over major disances and safe enough for me to not get killed by my own creation.
The pictures here represent the massive building I and three of my friends have been building past several days. Before we could establish this huge box made of cobblestone, we had to erase an entire mountain. We began the operation by building walls around the mountain we aimed to turn to flat land. Our next step was to mine the entire mountain hollow. It took us 3 days of mining. We had diamond made pickaxes (and shovels!) at the beginning, but after they broke we continued by using tools made of stone, as they are easy to make and we had tens of thousands of cobblestone stored in dozens of chests.
After the mountain was hallowed out, we built walls higher than the top of the mountain. The roof is made of glass, so that light of the Sun shines during day and keeps zombies and skeletons at bay, which would otherwise overrun the box, as there is no efficient way to lit the whole building with torches or lava. As you can see from the pictures, the walls are plain and boring. We have farmed wool and cactii for past days, and our next goal is to cover the building with dark green dyed wool from the outside. Inside we are building a complex set of staircases and ladders and later cover the walls with dyed wool.
torstai 3. helmikuuta 2011
The Deadmines, 2nd time in row.
Time fore daily heroic. It is a bit late as we had no raid today so I came home late. 20:44 realm time I queue to instance with my guildmate Krynderi who joins the group as a DPS. He is playing as a Frost Deathknight. After 20 minutes of waiting we are ready to teleport to instance, which is The Deadmines.
Our group consists Restoration Shama (me), Frost Deathknight (Krynderi), Shadowpriest, Marksmanship Hunter and Protection Warrior. Before we pull the first group our tank, Protection Warrior, tells us that he has just recently dinged and that his gear is not very good. He has buffed health of 130k and low avoidance. He, however, stuns and interrupts mobs as often as possible so he is not that hard to heal. Guildmate Deathknight and random Shadowpriest are doing ~6k DPS on single target and Marksmanship Hunter 12k~ single target DPS, which is a surprice for me, since I had thought Marksmanship would be the worst spec for hunters in Cataclysm.
We reach the first boss, Glubtok, in no time. Tank asks if everybody is ready and after he gets answer he starts the encounter. I had feared that the tank wouldn't be able to withstand boss's damage, but he is doing good job with his use of cooldowns. The DPS is a bit lacking at first, but then Krynderi puts on his "I can do this" mood and improves his damage output, good for him! As his desperate act, Glubtok tries to tip the scales with raw arcane magic. The boss conjures a moving flame wall which results in demise of both himself and Krynderi, who is not looking on the ground. This reminds me of some other person I've had in this instance before, hmm... However, we slay the ogre magi and loot Defias Brotherhood Vest.
We move forward toward next boss. Krynderi is toying with his Howling Blast and aggroes Mining Monkeys. Tank wonders if he has done something wrong, but Krynderi admits his own mistake and makes a conclusion that monekys shouldn't be hit. We proceed to fight against Gearbreaker Helix. The fight goes well as nobody is hit by mines the boss's minions throw on ground. In the midst of combat I earn the achievement Rat Pack. I've been here before for dozen times, and I have never even seen any Mine Rats during the encounter. In fact, I haven't ever seen a single Mine Rat in whole instance? Eventually Gearbreaker's Lumbering Oaf gives in and we finish the boss. Our reward is Cruel Barb.
The next boss, lumbering goblin made killer machine Foe Reaper 5000 isn't up to the challenge we offer to him. The machine drops Emberstone Staff. Recount shows me that our group made good job dodging the boss's AoE, as only 100k of damage per DPS was taken. The tank's 333 iLevel gear however compensates the damage dealer's avoided AoE as he took 1,1 million damage during the encounter. For the sake of comparison the yesterday's tank took 500k less damage during the encounter even when it lasted about the same time.
On the way to the wooden bridge leading to a defias ship, hunter goes offline. We wait for him to relog, but as he doesn't seem to come back someobdy initiates a kick, which I decline, but he is still kicked out of the group. As a replacement we get Feral Druid. On the bridge, bombarded by Defias Cannons, we lose Priest and Druid as they both get hit by cannons and are knocked to water. When runnig back to rest of the group they are again hit by cannons and die. After resurrection we continue our way to Admiral Ripsnarl. As the fight goes on and the boss closes death, the tank's ability to migitate damage falls behind the boss's damage and he is slain by the beast a few seconds before the encounter is over. As his consolation prize he need rolls on agility two-hander Rockslicer for his Dual-two-hand build.
"Captain" Cookie goes down easily as nobody stands in AoE for longer than needed. His corpse contains his Tenderizer. Vanessa is alerted of our presence and the nightmare phase begins. Once again everything goes flawless till Mechanical nightmare, in which the Druid, the Deathknight and the Warrior are slain by walls of balls electricity.
This time we do not try to skip the werewolf part and make it to the final boss, Edwin's heir, Vanessa VanCleef. The tank pulls the boss, as usual, but when the time for rope jumping comes, my guildmate Krynderi fails to grab a rope and jumps down in order to avoid the explosion. Now the roof of the ship is on fire, and we have one damage dealer less. The boss is newertheless going down until the tank steps into a fire and burns to death. Even a fast combat resurrection from the druid doesn't save us, as the boss now teleports to our roof-fallen Deathknight and evades. Back to 100% health and 75% attack damage buff she slays deathknight and our tank gives up, exposing his back to the boss when she unevades and teleports to the roof. After a wipe and quick explanation of tactics we bring her down and loot Guildmaster's Greaves and Record of the Brotherhood's End.
I got my Valor Points.
Since Krynderi has freshly dinged 85 he doesn't know tactics for all heroic instances.
Somebody always fails with rotating fire and electricity walls.
Our group consists Restoration Shama (me), Frost Deathknight (Krynderi), Shadowpriest, Marksmanship Hunter and Protection Warrior. Before we pull the first group our tank, Protection Warrior, tells us that he has just recently dinged and that his gear is not very good. He has buffed health of 130k and low avoidance. He, however, stuns and interrupts mobs as often as possible so he is not that hard to heal. Guildmate Deathknight and random Shadowpriest are doing ~6k DPS on single target and Marksmanship Hunter 12k~ single target DPS, which is a surprice for me, since I had thought Marksmanship would be the worst spec for hunters in Cataclysm.
We reach the first boss, Glubtok, in no time. Tank asks if everybody is ready and after he gets answer he starts the encounter. I had feared that the tank wouldn't be able to withstand boss's damage, but he is doing good job with his use of cooldowns. The DPS is a bit lacking at first, but then Krynderi puts on his "I can do this" mood and improves his damage output, good for him! As his desperate act, Glubtok tries to tip the scales with raw arcane magic. The boss conjures a moving flame wall which results in demise of both himself and Krynderi, who is not looking on the ground. This reminds me of some other person I've had in this instance before, hmm... However, we slay the ogre magi and loot Defias Brotherhood Vest.
We move forward toward next boss. Krynderi is toying with his Howling Blast and aggroes Mining Monkeys. Tank wonders if he has done something wrong, but Krynderi admits his own mistake and makes a conclusion that monekys shouldn't be hit. We proceed to fight against Gearbreaker Helix. The fight goes well as nobody is hit by mines the boss's minions throw on ground. In the midst of combat I earn the achievement Rat Pack. I've been here before for dozen times, and I have never even seen any Mine Rats during the encounter. In fact, I haven't ever seen a single Mine Rat in whole instance? Eventually Gearbreaker's Lumbering Oaf gives in and we finish the boss. Our reward is Cruel Barb.
The next boss, lumbering goblin made killer machine Foe Reaper 5000 isn't up to the challenge we offer to him. The machine drops Emberstone Staff. Recount shows me that our group made good job dodging the boss's AoE, as only 100k of damage per DPS was taken. The tank's 333 iLevel gear however compensates the damage dealer's avoided AoE as he took 1,1 million damage during the encounter. For the sake of comparison the yesterday's tank took 500k less damage during the encounter even when it lasted about the same time.
On the way to the wooden bridge leading to a defias ship, hunter goes offline. We wait for him to relog, but as he doesn't seem to come back someobdy initiates a kick, which I decline, but he is still kicked out of the group. As a replacement we get Feral Druid. On the bridge, bombarded by Defias Cannons, we lose Priest and Druid as they both get hit by cannons and are knocked to water. When runnig back to rest of the group they are again hit by cannons and die. After resurrection we continue our way to Admiral Ripsnarl. As the fight goes on and the boss closes death, the tank's ability to migitate damage falls behind the boss's damage and he is slain by the beast a few seconds before the encounter is over. As his consolation prize he need rolls on agility two-hander Rockslicer for his Dual-two-hand build.
"Captain" Cookie goes down easily as nobody stands in AoE for longer than needed. His corpse contains his Tenderizer. Vanessa is alerted of our presence and the nightmare phase begins. Once again everything goes flawless till Mechanical nightmare, in which the Druid, the Deathknight and the Warrior are slain by walls of balls electricity.
This time we do not try to skip the werewolf part and make it to the final boss, Edwin's heir, Vanessa VanCleef. The tank pulls the boss, as usual, but when the time for rope jumping comes, my guildmate Krynderi fails to grab a rope and jumps down in order to avoid the explosion. Now the roof of the ship is on fire, and we have one damage dealer less. The boss is newertheless going down until the tank steps into a fire and burns to death. Even a fast combat resurrection from the druid doesn't save us, as the boss now teleports to our roof-fallen Deathknight and evades. Back to 100% health and 75% attack damage buff she slays deathknight and our tank gives up, exposing his back to the boss when she unevades and teleports to the roof. After a wipe and quick explanation of tactics we bring her down and loot Guildmaster's Greaves and Record of the Brotherhood's End.
I got my Valor Points.
Since Krynderi has freshly dinged 85 he doesn't know tactics for all heroic instances.
Somebody always fails with rotating fire and electricity walls.
keskiviikko 2. helmikuuta 2011
The Failmines.
It is 14:22 server time when I queue to random HC as a healer. After 11 minutes I get message that my group is ready and I check myself in. With me there is Survival Hunter, Fury Warrior, Blood DK as a tank and Retribution Paladin. The instance is The Deadmines, and after the first mob groups I notice that the paladin is not doing much of DPS when compared to others. His gear is relatively poor and he mentions about having lagg once in the instance. When we reach the first boss, Glubtok, the tank charges in and begins the fight. Retripaladin's DPS doesn't shine. Hunter is doing great and Misdirects, whenever possible. Fury warrior is doing moderate dps. After boss reaches 25% and casts moving fire lane, retripaladin walks into fire and dies. The boss dies and we get Missing Diplomat's Pauldrons.
After the boss is dead the unexpected happens: Deathknight and Hunter leave at the same time, without saying anything. They both belong to same guild, Crime Riders. A raid, Guild Master's calling or an intentional way to lift the random dungeon cooldown? Who knows, they didn't tell us. They are replaced by Destruction Warlock and Protection Paladin. Paladin waits for everybody to get mana and asks during the instance if we know tactics, just to make sure that we all are ready. Well done, Imo. Warlock /cheers me when I throw a Riptide to her after she Life Taps. Helix goes down, but in the last seconds Retribution Paladin runs to a group of mines and blows up in less than a second and a half, from 100% health to 0%. Gearbreaker's Bindings .
Now we are at the forge, where nobody picks up the robot which is supposed be used to tank the adds on boss. We clear the room, and a discuss about who should take the robot springs up. Fury warrior volunteers for the job, telling that it is his first time. Warrior does a good job with adds, but once again, retribution paladin dies. After Foe Reaper 5000 reaches low health and enrages, paladin gets killed by an AoE which he should have dodged. I had used Spiritwalker's great earlier, and since I am dodging the boss I won't even try to heal him and let him die. Retripaladin had Forbearance as he had used Lay on Hands on himself when he had 66% health left, being hit by an AoE earlier. We loot Foe Reaper. A quick check from Recount shows what I already knew: retripaladin got hit by AoE 500k more damage than anybody else. Well done... Foe Reaper is our reward.
In middle of trash on road to the ship, I notice my bottle of Stroh Cream Liqueur is running out. I declare this major event to my group, hilary ensues after I reveal to spirit my healing because of my dislike of random instances. Suddenly our retribution paladin leaves. Nobody sheds a tear, since he was doing less damage than either of the tanks. DPS slot is filled by Balance Druid, who does about 3 times more damage than retri paladin did at his best. Ripjaw and Cookie are downed without other problems than my slow healing. We loot Rockslicer from Ripjaw and Cape of the Brotherhood from Cookie.
We begin the final, long lasting encounter. Vanessa drugs and sends us to nightmare, which starts to fuck up after we slay the two first minibosses. I, warlock and warrior are hit by lightnings, which gets me and warlock killed. We are resurrected, yet die to next rotating lightning lane. Second time resurrected I die instantly, as paladin had cast resurrection on me from place which was a bit too close to 3rd lightning lane. One more ress and we proceed to the next miniboss. Our druid had told us that we could try to skip the Ripjaw's part and run straight to Vanessa for achievement. We run, a group of werewolves on our heels, and find out that Vanessa hasn't spawned yet. Meanwhile the Werewolves have got stuck and evaded. We try to reset the encounter; nothing works.
I leave, as I don't feel fit for an entire new instance and instead go straight to drink some water.
Conclusion: the retri paladin wasn't brighest of players there is, trying to skip the Werewolf encounter during Vanessa's nightmare bugs the instance and I was left without Valor points. GG.
After the boss is dead the unexpected happens: Deathknight and Hunter leave at the same time, without saying anything. They both belong to same guild, Crime Riders. A raid, Guild Master's calling or an intentional way to lift the random dungeon cooldown? Who knows, they didn't tell us. They are replaced by Destruction Warlock and Protection Paladin. Paladin waits for everybody to get mana and asks during the instance if we know tactics, just to make sure that we all are ready. Well done, Imo. Warlock /cheers me when I throw a Riptide to her after she Life Taps. Helix goes down, but in the last seconds Retribution Paladin runs to a group of mines and blows up in less than a second and a half, from 100% health to 0%. Gearbreaker's Bindings .
Now we are at the forge, where nobody picks up the robot which is supposed be used to tank the adds on boss. We clear the room, and a discuss about who should take the robot springs up. Fury warrior volunteers for the job, telling that it is his first time. Warrior does a good job with adds, but once again, retribution paladin dies. After Foe Reaper 5000 reaches low health and enrages, paladin gets killed by an AoE which he should have dodged. I had used Spiritwalker's great earlier, and since I am dodging the boss I won't even try to heal him and let him die. Retripaladin had Forbearance as he had used Lay on Hands on himself when he had 66% health left, being hit by an AoE earlier. We loot Foe Reaper. A quick check from Recount shows what I already knew: retripaladin got hit by AoE 500k more damage than anybody else. Well done... Foe Reaper is our reward.
In middle of trash on road to the ship, I notice my bottle of Stroh Cream Liqueur is running out. I declare this major event to my group, hilary ensues after I reveal to spirit my healing because of my dislike of random instances. Suddenly our retribution paladin leaves. Nobody sheds a tear, since he was doing less damage than either of the tanks. DPS slot is filled by Balance Druid, who does about 3 times more damage than retri paladin did at his best. Ripjaw and Cookie are downed without other problems than my slow healing. We loot Rockslicer from Ripjaw and Cape of the Brotherhood from Cookie.
We begin the final, long lasting encounter. Vanessa drugs and sends us to nightmare, which starts to fuck up after we slay the two first minibosses. I, warlock and warrior are hit by lightnings, which gets me and warlock killed. We are resurrected, yet die to next rotating lightning lane. Second time resurrected I die instantly, as paladin had cast resurrection on me from place which was a bit too close to 3rd lightning lane. One more ress and we proceed to the next miniboss. Our druid had told us that we could try to skip the Ripjaw's part and run straight to Vanessa for achievement. We run, a group of werewolves on our heels, and find out that Vanessa hasn't spawned yet. Meanwhile the Werewolves have got stuck and evaded. We try to reset the encounter; nothing works.
I leave, as I don't feel fit for an entire new instance and instead go straight to drink some water.
Conclusion: the retri paladin wasn't brighest of players there is, trying to skip the Werewolf encounter during Vanessa's nightmare bugs the instance and I was left without Valor points. GG.
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