keskiviikko 2. helmikuuta 2011

The Failmines.

It is 14:22 server time when I queue to random HC as a healer. After 11 minutes I get message that my group is ready and I check myself in. With me there is Survival Hunter, Fury Warrior, Blood DK as a tank and Retribution Paladin. The instance is The Deadmines, and after the first mob groups I notice that the paladin is not doing much of DPS when compared to others. His gear is relatively poor and he mentions about having lagg once in the instance. When we reach the first boss, Glubtok, the tank charges in and begins the fight. Retripaladin's DPS doesn't shine. Hunter is doing great and Misdirects, whenever possible. Fury warrior is doing moderate dps. After boss reaches 25% and casts moving fire lane, retripaladin walks into fire and dies. The boss dies and we get Missing Diplomat's Pauldrons.

After the boss is dead the unexpected happens: Deathknight and Hunter leave at the same time, without saying anything. They both belong to same guild, Crime Riders. A raid, Guild Master's calling or an intentional way to lift the random dungeon cooldown? Who knows, they didn't tell us. They are replaced by Destruction Warlock and Protection Paladin. Paladin waits for everybody to get mana and asks during the instance if we know tactics, just to make sure that we all are ready. Well done, Imo. Warlock /cheers me when I throw a Riptide to her after she Life Taps. Helix goes down, but in the last seconds Retribution Paladin runs to a group of mines and blows up in less than a second and a half, from 100% health to 0%. Gearbreaker's Bindings .

Now we are at the forge, where nobody picks up the robot which is supposed be used to tank the adds on boss. We clear the room, and a discuss about who should take the robot springs up. Fury warrior volunteers for the job, telling that it is his first time. Warrior does a good job with adds, but once again, retribution paladin dies. After Foe Reaper 5000 reaches low health and enrages, paladin gets killed by an AoE which he should have dodged. I had used Spiritwalker's great earlier, and since I am dodging the boss I won't even try to heal him and let him die. Retripaladin had Forbearance as he had used Lay on Hands on himself when he had 66% health left, being hit by an AoE earlier. We loot Foe Reaper. A quick check from Recount shows what I already knew: retripaladin got hit by AoE 500k more damage than anybody else. Well done... Foe Reaper is our reward.

In middle of trash on road to the ship, I notice my bottle of Stroh Cream Liqueur is running out. I declare this major event to my group, hilary ensues after I reveal to spirit my healing because of my dislike of random instances. Suddenly our retribution paladin leaves. Nobody sheds a tear, since he was doing less damage than either of the tanks. DPS slot is filled by Balance Druid, who does about 3 times more damage than retri paladin did at his best. Ripjaw and Cookie are downed without other problems than my slow healing. We loot Rockslicer from Ripjaw and Cape of the Brotherhood from Cookie.

We begin the final, long lasting encounter. Vanessa drugs and sends us to nightmare, which starts to fuck up after we slay the two first minibosses. I, warlock and warrior are hit by lightnings, which gets me and warlock killed. We are resurrected, yet die to next rotating lightning lane. Second time resurrected I die instantly, as paladin had cast resurrection on me from place which was a bit too close to 3rd lightning lane. One more ress and we proceed to the next miniboss. Our druid had told us that we could try to skip the Ripjaw's part and run straight to Vanessa for achievement. We run, a group of werewolves on our heels, and find out that Vanessa hasn't spawned yet. Meanwhile the Werewolves have got stuck and evaded. We try to reset the encounter; nothing works.

I leave, as I don't feel fit for an entire new instance and instead go straight to drink some water.

Conclusion: the retri paladin wasn't brighest of players there is, trying to skip the Werewolf encounter during Vanessa's nightmare bugs the instance and I was left without Valor points. GG.

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